A somewhat enticing yet eventually disappointing little film considering its written by Peter Morgan (The Queen), it’s director is Clint Eastwood (the Great) and the producer is Steven Spielberg (the God.) So where did it go wrong?  The movie opens with a tsunami that overtakes the town and all ts people within moments. We feel (probably the only time in the film) the impact of watching such an atrocity bestowed on these people by the power of the sea.  One of them is a French Journalist who has a near death experience.  On the other side of the world is a young boy whose twin brother is accidentally killed, and finally there’s Matt Damon a young man with psychic powers who refuses to use his skills for those in need.  And that’s where the first problem begins. Why do we care about a man who doesn’t care about himself?  Why don’t we know WHY he won’t help these people? Was his own mother hit by a bus?  Unlike those whose lives are vacant, changed and in pain, Matt’s  life has no urgency for us to care.  High hopes for a movie that never quite pays off and has an incredible lack of structure 2 tiaras