(rated R)  After a few jewelry heists and con jobs under their belts, Pierce Brosnan and Selma Hayek head to the land of pink paradise, for a life of tropical drinks and seaweed wraps. No sooner they arrive when the ultimate diamond opportunity arrives on a cruise ship just sailed into their port. The two lovers must decide if they are here for retirement or for the next setup. And that question’s answer doesn’t come easy with FBI agent (Woody Harrelson) spying their every move. While Brosnan has no business taking his shirt off these days, Hayek isn’t just sexy, she smolders in every scene. The story has even pacing and Harrelson makes a fabulous career comeback, yet there are too many loose ends in the plot. That said, despite the fact it’s not necessarily smart, it is senseless fun. And afterall, isn’t that all we ask from a movie? Entertainment?