Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds) is a single dad to Maya (Abigail Breslin). He’s about to divorce her mom, a woman we haven’t met yet.  One day Maya comes home after learning about the birds and the bees, and asks her dad how he fell in love with her mother and if he ever ‘did it’ with any other women.  He decides to play a game with his daughter but changing the names of the three women from his past (1990s) and letting her guess which one turned out to be her mother.  Enter “Emily” Elizabeth Banks, his college sweetheart.  Enter “April” Isla Fischer, a girl he meets on the Clinton campaign. Enter “Summer” Rachel Weisz, a sophisticated scholar dating her college professor (Kevin Kline.)  And so along with little Maya, the audience bonds and falls in love with the woman we hope turns out to be her mother.  With longevity appeal as  “The Notebook” this smart, romantic story, with the right dose of twists along the way, and a surprisingly amounts of chemistry between Reynolds and each of the intended wives, will have a long life of female fans of all ages. The perfect date movie for this Valentine’s Day and for everyone hereafter.  4 tiaras