(Rated R, 98 mins.)  Confidence starts with the word “con” which is premise to a story of money talks, rules get broken and then somebody gets hurt. What Jake Vig (Edward Burns) doesn’t know, just might get him killed. Or does he know too much? It’s a twist and turning plot of some bad boy, LAPD meets mobsters that include Dustin Hoffman as a priceless mob boss “King”, portraying the same cynical charm as his roles in “Marathon Man” or Michael Dorsey in “Tootsie.” Rachel Weisz holds her own as a feisty, pickpocket-con artist that Burns falls for. A very talented Paul Giamatti is a convincing “Gordo” one of Burns’s crew. But, despite it’s hip soundtrack and groovy attempt at being another “Oceans 11”, it isn’t. While con translates to an itch that gets scratched by cash, the actors are conning themselves if they think the audience will fall for various loose-end scenes. For example: how would a LAPD cop know business plan lingo for a million dollar con and why would the cons trust each other in the first place? Sound confusing? Try watching the movie.