(rated PG-13, 89 mins.)  An attempt at a coming of age comedy following the life of Jimmy Livingston (Jake Gyllenhaal), a boy born minus an immune system thus raised in a manufactured world provided by his well-intentioned, but misguided mother (Swoosie Kurtz), a plastic, June Cleaver type. One day, upon meeting the girl of his dreams, he wants to fly the coop, er, bubble, to stop Chloe (Marley Shelton), who is to be married in Niagara Falls that Saturday. Jimmy takes off on a roadtrip crossing paths with bikers, groupies, freaks and rock stars. The story tries to focus on the world as the whole. Seems none of us are immune to society and what diseases (people) it delivers, but the negligence of undeveloped characters and ongoing nonsense, leaves us feeling like we’re on the outside looking in, instead of the inside looking out as intended. And, immune to any feelings toward this bubble boy.