(rated PG 89 mins)  When Fearless Leader (Robert DeNiro) decides he will take over the world of television by hypnotizing his viewers to RBTV (Really Bad T.V.), Rocky and Bullwinkle are brought out of reruns to save the day. On a live action landscape, the cartoon characters, through the wizardry of industrial light and magic, stay true to character. They make cute comments like “time for a commercial break” but when nothing happens, Bullwinkle says “are we on PBS?” Lots of inside television industry humor. Boris and Natasha are portrayed in real life by Jason Alexander and Renee Russo, almost seeming like cartoon characters themselves. Despite having some amusing moments the movie is too goofy, too fast, too many puns and seems that what is supposed to ‘work’ in the plot movement, actually works against it. Lots of cameos. Carl Reiner, John Goodman as a sheriff, Whoopi Goldberg as a judge, to name a few. Given a toss up, “Inspector Gadget” was better, and that was the worst movie of last summer. So, I guess you know which is this summer’s worse thus far.