(rated PG-13)
This story based on the Marvel Cartoon series, takes place in the “not too distant future” where the world is slowly being taken over by Xmen (good mutants) fighting off bad mutants who can enter our minds, our houses and the even the White House, with funky physical and telepathic powers. Whenever these mutants make themselves available, they are loud, scary and violent. No, not violent with blood, but violent with gel-glob-liquid-formation-
icy-vein-bursting stuff they’re made of. Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) runs a school for mutant wanna-be kids in Westchester County that includes equestrian classes (of course). His team consists of Storm (Halle Barry) with white hair and perfect figure, Famke Janssen as the Professor’s assistant, Hugh Jackman, a hot Australian actor as the mutant Wolverine that everybody wants, including me, and is destined to be the next Mel Gibson out of nowhere. But he’s stolen Anna Paquin’s heart who has grown up since her Oscar win for “The Piano.” Rebecca Romjin-Stamos stars as Raven one of the bad mutants (I think)? It gets so confusing they’d be better off all joining forces for their mutual mission to take over our world leaders at Summit meeting in Manhattan together. Finally, there’s James Marsden as Cyclops a pretty boy Matt Damon look alike, who can cut his eye sight through mountains and basically could be the Ray Ban sponsor.