(rated R) Based on former Marine Anthony Swofford’s best-selling 2003 book about his pre-Desert Storm experiences in Saudi Arabia, while fighting in Kuwait, Jake Gyllenhaal stars as “Swoff” in a movie about war, without a war. That’s what makes this different. Sam Mendes who brought us “American Beauty” examines young men pumped up and trigger-happy, but with nobody to shoot at. The soldiers (including Peter Sarsgaard) take inspiration from “Apolycalypse Now” (but this film is no “Platoon” or even “Born on the Fourth of July” and this war was not Viet Nam). Chris Cooper plays a gung ho officer and Jamie Foxx gives an Oscar worthy second performance as Staff Sergeant Sykes. But while Gyllenhaal does a worthy job, we never relate to his specific character. Instead the movie focuses on a lot of the guys, gorgeous cinematography and a rip-roaring effective soundtrack. Three tiaras.