Long before Seth Rogen and director Judd Apatow made man/child films, the Farrelly brothers were the Kings of Bromance (Dumb and Dumber put them on the map. Something About Mary made comical history.) In this, Rick (Owen Wilson) and Fred (Jason Sudeikis) are dweebish-Howdy-Doody hubbies married to their lovely wives Maggie (Jenna Fischer) and Grace (Christina Applegate.)  At the end of a long day of kids and house chores, Rick wishes his wife would go upstairs and slip into something UNcomfortable.  But she doesn’t.  That leaves our two hubbies tempted by girls at the mall, the babysitter, and a world of women -women everywhere.  But when things get out of hand, the wives suggest their husbands have a “Hall Pass” like in high school, where they’re free to do whatever they want. For one week.  Of course the men think they’ve hit the jackpot, but as expected, by day two they also realize they’re old, tired, and over forty.  It ain’t as easy to score chicks as it was in college (though it’s funny watching them and the dialog is hilarious.) At this point the movie turns into a Hangover-ish type film with both Wilson and Sudeikis out on the prowl for a good time, which in turn becomes our good time. The only thing I question is do men really talk to their buddies the way women do about their sex lives? Or lack of one?  Three and a half tiaras