Leonard Saber (Bill Nighy) is the CEO of a consumer electronics company that wants to take over the world with microwaves and blenders (or something like that.)  The point is, as an adult it’s tough enough processing the premise of G-Force, let alone a child trying to “get it.”  But, oddly enough, the two children that accompanied me didn’t seem to mind. This fast moving flick from the King of adult action – Jerry Bruckheimer – takes it to a kid’s level and kids seem to love it. Not to mention he throws in the voice of Nicolas Cage, best known as the star of those Bruckheimer adult flicks.  The G-Force – named for some four runt guinea pigs, include “30 Rock’s” Tracy Morgan who speaks his usual sarcasm only from the voice of a guinea pig. The sexy Penelope Cruz spends all of the film flirting and being the Diva to the other hamster-ish honeys. Apparently these rodents have James Bond skills, and with the 3 D glasses provided by the theatre manager, you’ll go along for the ride – right into your face.  One and a half tiaras