I said I’d leave the review up to the listeners this week.  So who emailed me with the most input and thoughts from this weekend? Was it the men?  No. It was the women. Thank you, ladies! Most of you said they couldn’t get it, but Teresa in Des Moines said the opposite: “It explained so much of the first three movies to me. I was drawn in from the beginning but should mention I’ve been waiting for this movie since they mentioned it would be coming out. I just love the Xmen movies.” She also added that “the only really hokey part is when Jackman is on the motorcycle and uses his metal fingers to dig in and turn around. I was totally amazed at how very fake that looked.”  She loved it so much she’s going to see it again!  Okay, Teresa. You are my official ‘go to’ Wolverine girlfriend for all other sequels!  Thank you!  Most women rate this movie: 1 tiara. Teresa rating: 4 tiaras. Average rating: 2 tiaras