(rated R, 85 mins.)
This is the kind of movie that would usually have me happy I have a deal with the theatre manager allowing me to vacuum the lobby from popcorn whenever I’m bored, but not this time. This yuppy sex tale may have a sort of “done before” premise about four college buddies who think they’re Gods gift to women, but it’s the delivery of how these braggers get together once a week to discuss their recent sexual exploits, that make it so very different and sassy. Remember “Diner?” Well, forget it. Too serious. Remember “Dumb and Dumber”? Well, the genius behind producing that movie (when nobody knew Jim Carey) has done it again with a new group of guys (you’ve probably never heard of) but will not soon forget. This story has a bunch of idiotic yet recognizable boys that tell you what guys really think of women. Things get complicated when they realize they’ve begun to chase the same girl du jour, Mia (Amanda Peet). Brian Van Holt is right-on as a the womanizing stockbroker with his sidekick competition in Judah Domke and Jonathan Abrahams. This movie will do well mainly because it has a spin of a fabulous HBO show. But, unlike “Sex And The City”, “Whipped” never takes the disasters of dating too seriously. Audiences will be laughing because of its ladies room banter with pathetic yet somehow likable guys which isn’t an easy feat to pull off. By the way, you’ll also get an education because “Whipped” has its own lingo from A to Z. Do you know what a “Bettie” or a “Mini Wheat” are? You will now. Written, directed and produced by newcomer Peter M. Cohen, this provocative comedy will have his name compared shortly with the Farrelly Brothers those usual kings of raunch.