(rated PG-13)
Loosely based on the Frances Mayer memoirs, a writer (Diane Lane) gets over a bout with her cheating husband and writer’s block by doing what we all want to do – impulsively leave the country and buy a villa in Tuscany. As the rundown villa is renovated, so is Lane’s hopes and heart, not to mention her brushed up Italian language. Through the construction locals and her best friend (Sandra Oh) Lane attempts risk to find happiness. Yes, it’s a chick flick but the ending may surprise you. No sooner the well-tanned Italian god (Raoul Bova) shows up in her life and you’re thinking ‘only in the movies’, things don’t turn out as expected. They actually turn out better. For a lesson in self-worth, run to see this. It’s the opposite message of love and a much better ending than the last time Lane had a tryst with a foreign hunk (Unfaithful).