Tyson James “Bugsy” Toback does a documentary on Mike Tyson and the first thing you think is: wife beater.  Well think again. In this brilliant depiction of the heavy weight champion, you’ll laugh, you’ll love him and you’ll even cry. In this very honest portrayal Tyson is an underdog in recognizing his own self-destruction. Despite neurologists saying a modest series of blows to the brain cause trauma, Tyson’s syntax, his rhymes and his warped way of expressing his sexuality, are off-the-charts entertaining. First he abstains from sex for five years to keep his performance up. Then he contracts gonorrhea… “It was from some prostitute or some very dirty young lady.” He’s also delusional.  When he shows his tattoos of “Mao” and “Che” he says “Ever since I got this Che tattoo, now everybody is doing movies on Che and buying tee shirts with Che.  It’s because of my tattoo.” And when he’s accused and on trial for raping Desiree Washington, the Beauty Pageant woman, he says, ‘I forced myself on a lot of women, I’m not denying that, but this one, I didn’t rape.”  He constantly contradicts himself to look guilty. It’s like “open mouth switch feet.” He’s very passionate about life, love, fighting, beating people and defending his honor. And he’s very loyal to those who make him famous – which is part of his charm. But a man with his strength shouldn’t have anger issues. Four Tiaras