– like the California Gold Rush, the early days of the oil boom certainly make for movie-material steeply based in ferocity and greed. Director Paul Thomas Anderson teams with Daniel Day Lewis in what will undoubtedly be yet another Oscar winning role for Day Lewis (his last was “My Left Foot” though many nominations followed).  After picking up the Sinclair novel “Oil” Anderson struck it rich by transforming it into “Blood” a minimal bit of storytelling, something new to the ordinarily multi-layered characters found in Anderson’s “Boogie Nights” and “Magnolia.” In this, we follow Biblical Patriarch Daniel Plainview (Day Lewis) from his poor man turn-of-the-century silver mining through the next 30 years of his wealth.  Through the eyes of Day Lewis and his adopted son (Dillion Freasier) we witness a nearly insane epic that delivers the complexities that only money and God can bring.  Three tiaras