Rachel McAdam’s has done it again! Another sappy love story where she goes from “The Notebook” frying pan to “The Time Traveler’s” fire.   Except this time the story adds a bit of sci-fi and this time I didn’t walk out of the theatre. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I promised myself I’d give it the chance it deserved. Which is to say no chance at all.   Henry (Eric “The Hulk” Bana) plays a time traveler who lurks naked in the bushes appearing to a little girl, Claire (McAdams) he’ll eventually date, marry, impregnate and then destroy her life through all existence until the day she dies.  The word melodrama comes to mind, along with the words creepy, ridiculous and what-were-they-thinking?  The story jumps from the past to the present. At times it’s confusing and annoying especially since their age differences aren’t always consisent. And they don’t look consistent either, since much of the time Bana remains the same in looks but not necessarily his age. He’s a time traveler, remember…. And like many a time-traveling stories before it, this ain’t no “Somewhere In Time” the classic Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves (rest his soul) of Victorian destinies. This is more along the lines of Bullock’s flop “The Lake House.” It’s a shame, given the writer is Bruce Joel Rubin most famous for the beloved classic “Ghost.” One tiara and that’s for Bana’s butt.