(Rated G, 75 min.)
Opens Feb. 11
From deep in the Hundred-Acre Wood comes an all-new Tigger feature with five new songs from the Academy Award-winning team of Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman.

As we join our favorite cuddly friends, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Roo and Rabbit, the ever-exuberant Tigger refuses to help to prepare a suitable winter home for the delightful dismal donkey, Eeyore. His boisterous bouncing interrupts the efforts. When Rabbit suggests that perhaps Tigger should go find other “Tiggers” to bounce with, the notion becomes obsessive, as Tigger begins an amazing journey through the Hundred-Acre Wood looking for his family.

A can’t-go-wrong movie for small people and tiny minds, the story is similar to Disney’s “Lion King” of life cycles and family bonding but on a preschool level. The usual quality of Pooh-type movies will not fail you in this one.