(rated PG-13, 107 mins.)
Opens March 31
I think this would have been better titled “You’ve Got To Be Kidding, Right?” In a movie that director Joshua Jackson doesn’t want to be referred as a horror film, he shouldn’t worry. It’s more of a comedy because I’ve never sat through a movie that provided such hard laughter, not because I was supposed to laugh, but because it was so bad.

Like a very bad indie flick with no camera direction, bad plot,bad dialog just bad, bad, bad… it follows the story of Luke (Joshua Jackson of “Dawson’s Creek”) who desperately wants to fit in at any cost. Once the over-achieving New Haven townie is able to claw his way into an Ivy League College, he is invited to join an elitist secret society known as The Skulls (no, this ain’t no Dead Poets Society). He jumps at the chance, hoping it will help secure his acceptance into a prestigious law school. At first seduced by the club’s upper-crust trappings, Luke finds himself ensnared by his own ambition when his journalist roommate commits suicide amidst cloudy circumstances. Now at the risk of his own life, he must outwit The Skulls at their own game.

“The Skull” is worth sitting through just to test your abilities to take this film seriously. Costarring Paul Walker (“Varsity Blues”), opening weekend will probably draw a small teen crowd because it’s the first feature debut of Jackson. First, and last I would imagine.