There’s rock star cops Danson and Highsmith (Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne Johnson) and then there’s the “Other guys” – back row in the office – the plaid-suited computer-geek, Allen Gambale (Will Farrell) and Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg) “the cop who shot Derek Jeter” by mistake.  From their Little River Band banter in the police cruiser to the very sexy wife (Eva Mendes) the film’s dialog (coupled with their bickering behavior) will have you belly-laughing out loud for three quarters of the film (it slows in the final twenty minutes.) But still….in defense of a good comedy, not since Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte in 48 Hours has a cop-buddy flick been so much fun.  There’s a refreshing balance of Farrell’s character’s neat-pickiness and inability to handle danger or violence.  There’s Wahlberg’s vulnerable – albeit conventional – and pissed off partner.  Directed by Adam McKay (Talladega Nights and Anchorman) what makes Farrell funny is his ability to stay in character – a character who takes himself and his values so seriously that it translates into flawless comedy.  The message is one that any of us can relate to… Two men longing for an exciting life outside the confines of a 9 to 5 desk job.  Three and a half tiaras