(rated R, 133 mins.)
Opens March 17th
Johnny Depp stars as Dean Corso, who locates rare books for wealthy collectors. Hired by Boris Balkan (Frank Langella) an eminent book-lover and scholar of demonology to locate a book of satanic invocations, Corso immerses himself in a labyrinth full of pitfalls and temptations, disturbing encounters, violence and mysterious deaths. Protected by an other-worldly creature (Emmanuelle Seignor) and guided by a force more powerful than himself, the hunter solves one by one the mysteries of the dreaded book and discovers the real purpose of his mission. Directed by one of the greatest, often misunderstood directors of our time, Roman Polanski, but a technically amazing piece of work and fabulous cinematography. Based on the novel by El Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte.