(rated R, 94 mins)   Why is it that the most handsome, sexiest, compassionate men are always gay? And, why is it that despite relationships, we (thank God) always have our good friends? This is a story of about a very hip group of Los Angeles gay men run by two Don Juan types Dennis (Timothy “Go” Olyphant) and Cole (Dean “Superman” Cain) who find that friendship plays a significant tool for survival in their individual yet somehow woven stories. They learn that it’s not about being gay, but realizing it’s ok to be gay. The team consists of John Mahoney (Martin on “Frasier”) who runs the weekly baseball team and restaurant they all work at, Mary McCormack and Nia Long as two lesbian lovers and sister to Patrick (Ben “Sex and the City” Weber). The story is packed with their own lingo, passion, bickering, jokes galore and some hysterical lines about everything from Barbara Streisand to Celine Dion and burning in hell over her music! The story tells us that the gay world is very mainstream and regular, like the rest of us, with only different sexual preferences.