(rated R, 115 mins)  It’s going to be a long night that ends into day with a lot revealed about a group of Hollywood types. This may change your envy of the rich and famous! Co-written and directed by Alan Cumming and Jennifer Jason Leigh (who also star) he plays a director who is about to direct his first movie (friends think it’s about his life and wife). His wife, (Jason Leigh) plays an actress but he won’t cast her in a movie about her because she’s too old for her own part! Enter Gwenyth Paltrow as the babe/diva cast in place of her. Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates (real life spouses) are part of the anniversary clan with John C. Reilly (Perfect Storm) and Jennifer Beals as other pals with opinions. While the movie attempts a fresh look into an always fascinating theme of money doesn’t equal happiness, its strength comes from some powerful performances where comedy and drama can blend in a good form of misery.