(Rated PG 13) No it’s not “Total Recall” but terminator man Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn’t kidding when he proclaimed “I’ll be back” except this time he’s not a spy or a commando, he’s Adam Gibson a normal guy. This story (like other box office flicks of late) takes place in the not-so-distant future, an era that includes a company called RePet that can clone animals and humans. The twist of this movie is it’s Arnold vs. Arnold when faced by his alter ego and seems to have trouble kicking his own butt. There’s a lot of special effects (think Arnold’s “Eraser”) that seem to come off as an MTV video as compared to his previous flicks. There’s a scene reminiscent of the entertaining “True Lies’ hanging out of a helicopter. Robert DuVall does an o.k. job as a geneticist. Tony Goldwyn as a (yuppie power type) DNA duplicator who means well in his attempts to keep life going by duplicating us, thus the Genesis-inspired title about God’s creation. Go with an open mind. Don’t expect much and you’ll get plenty. Expect a great Arnold film? You’re better off renting his “Twins.