(rated PG 13, 121 mins.)
The most popular comic book superhero finally makes it to the big screen on his web-swinging 40th anniversary. Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) stars after being bitten by a genetically-altered spider, gains superhuman strength and the spider-like ability to cling to any surface. Willem Dafoe as the nemesis Green Goblin with his own superhuman strength, Kirsten Dunst as a flaming red, fickle girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson; Cliff Robertson as Uncle Ben with whom orphaned Peter resides, and J.K. Simmons as Johan Jameson, Peter’s boss at the “Daily Bugle. Unlike “Batman” this “Matrix”-type special effect story has more sensibility and darkness without being nightmarish. The upside down kiss Spider-Man gives M.J. Watson is a sample of imagination in action. Maguire is perfectly cast with his Jekyll/Hyde boyish charm and bewilderment at his own secret. Though weak in spots the script clearly delivers a message that with power comes responsibility. Spider Man weaves two leaping conclusive words: Franchise. Sequel.