(Rated PG-13, 95 mins.)
Odd couple cops have always been a Hollywood hit, (think Murphy and Nolte in “48 Hours”); now it’s Eddie Murphy with Robert DeNiro. When The Dirty Harry of police officers (DeNiro) shoots at a TV camera at a crime scene, the options are that the television’s producer (Renee Russo) will sue the police station or make a reality based show by pairing a hard-nosed cop (DeNiro) with a goofball rookie (Murphy). While the idea of teaming these stars in a comedy proves promising, and despite the fact that they give it their talented all, nothing seems to save this movie that runs out of steam early on. An amusing moment when one of the production employees says of DeNiro’s character, “this guy can’t even act” is certainly ironic, although even his skills can’t save this one.