(rated PG 13)
This combo-Kung Fu comedy/western gets a kick in the pants when super hero Jackie Chan, an acrobatic Chinese imperial guard rides off into the wild, wild west in the 19th century, in search of a lost princess (Lucy Liu). Or in other words, the Far East battle of honor meets a trunk full of gold for ransom. Chan has nailed a niche that many stars can’t. The ability to do action and humor together and it works, usually. But, this post “Rush Hour” flick, doesn’t. His sidekick, Roy, (Owen Wilson “The Haunting” “Armageddon”) makes for good chemistry despite the fact that Chan’s character doesn’t trust him. The overall story is a little too over the top especially with scenes like a silly idea of “digging your way out with chopsticks” when Roy is left a ravenous vulture feast in the desert sand. Yes, it has the usual Carson City brawls, bordellos, train robberies and gun slinging. but east meets west meets too far fetched of a plot. Chan however, gives it his all both physically and emotionally.