You either loved it or hated it.  I only tolerated mine, anxious to move on to full adulthood.  The story follows the High School athletes, the over-achievers, the drama queens, but on that one magical night, they merge into one status because in one month of graduation their labels will be left behind.   But let’s not forget, it’s Still tonight, Prom night, and if you haven’t a car or a cool party to take her to, it could mean no prom for you.   At first glimpse you think this film is typical light-weight teen fare, but slowly the characters emerge with heart, soul, anxieties, hopes, dreams, and a bit of nostalgia to our own big night when hearts were broken, lies were told – some to protect and some to defend – so long as you ended up with a date. And then there’s those parents – the ones the daughter teaches dad to go online, the ones who discipline, the ones who work long hours and can’t be home to prepare a meal.   Nova (Aimee Teegarden) is the central character – head of the Prom committee, and Student Class President, but without a man on her white bread arm full of charm bracelets. Predictably she’ll have her moments with the bad boy, Jesse (Thomas McDonald) and you’re sure that you’re watching Johnny Depp but with a youthful angelic charisma, as the two slowly create their odd unity.   The various players surround their storyline, but it’s a character named Lloyd we most love, in all his scientific nerdiness, certain his moment for love has arrived.  We have a bit of Lloyd in all of us.  Three tiaras