(rated PG) Rafi (Uma Thurman) is recently divorced and feeling trepidation about dating. Nobody understands or sympathizes with this more than her therapist, Dr. Metzger (Meryl Streep) who encourages Rafi to move on. That’s until Rafi begins dating Dr. Metzger’s son, David (Bryan Greenberg) which would be fine except mamma wants a Jewish girl, he’s only 23 to her 37, and her biological clock is ticking. When mother finds out the secret, the movie intelligently continues to keep David and Rafi at bay, thus allowing the audience superior position for as long as possible. Despite its silly premise, the movie somehow manages to sustain a smart storyline, even pacing, with a logical and mature outcome, as a therapist struggles with her ethics versus her mothering skills. Writer/director Ben Young returns out of nowhere since his past “Boiler Room” a small movie that starred Vin Diesel, along with the now disappeared Giovanni Ribisi. Three tiaras.