There are men. There are goats. And the men do stare.  In this smart, for grown-ups, comedy, Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) an American journalist, works for the Ann Arbor Telegram in Michigan and wants to expand his wings. When his wife leaves him, he finds himself stuck in Kuwait. But, he needs to get into Iraq. Enter Lyn Cassidy (George Clooney) at the Kuwait hotel en route to – ta da – Iraq and claiming to be a Jedi warrior on a mission.  (“What’s a Jedi Warrior?” asks McGregor for an inside-joke. Now we know why he was cast in his role.)  Clooney explains a long hilarious history of the New Army Earth manual and how it came to be with his comrades (of sorts) headed up by Bill Django (Jeff Bridges) who came up with the army’s slogan “Be All You Can Be.”  Bridge’s goes into full “Big Lebowski” mode and the movie feels borderline Coen Brothers.  But alas, the entertaining back story and witty performances (Kevin Spacey also plays Hooper an evil psychiatrist) stop short when the two men finally reach their destination. And then we aren’t sure what the direction of the men or the movie is headed as the plot’s mission unravel. But the goats are cute.  Two tiaras