(Rated R, 80 mins)
Did you know that single women lose their patience eight times faster than married women? Do you know what makes relationships last forever? I guess if I knew the answer to that I wouldn’t be living with my four cats, expresses the fabulous Famke Janssen as Kate Wells, a cross between Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock looking reporter who’s given the mother assignment. After just being fired for a column on oral sex, she must, within 24 hours turn in a 2500 word piece on relationships which temporarily “unfires” her. Kate meets Adam, a cocky self-assured artist who becomes her instant best friend and helps her discover that sex is the fastest way to erase the past when you’re in pain from an ex lover. Jon Favreau delivers a character who is flawed but perfect with the right dose of charm, credibility and cockiness. Janssen is vulnerable and adorable as we discover through her eyes thoughts on love vs. sex, spontaneity vs. scheduled sex, bad break ups vs. good ones, and the baggage we carry from one relationship to another until we hope it eventually becomes only a “carry-on” piece. One of this year’s funniest, best and most accurate relationship guides.