(rated PG-13)
Julianne Moore and Pierce Brosnan are the two hottest and nastiest divorce attorneys in NYC. They also have a love/hate relationship of their own, not to mention a few unexpected rolls in the hay that one night lead to a drunken-stupor of a marriage. When they have more to deal with then they anticipated the two go head to head in a highly publicized divorce case of a rock star to his fashion designer wife (Parker Posey). Brosnan is charming and boyish-devilish (who knew) after stepping out of his usual sexy Bond shoes. Moore proves she can pull off a comedy but with one huge problem — she remains so frigid throughout the movie that the audience is never allowed the opportunity to find their chemistry even remotely enjoyable. And you can add this personality flaw to her botox injected, martini drinking, social climbing mother (Frances Fischer) who doesn’t enhance Moore’s already snippy persona. Posey on the other hand is the movie’s steal. “Laws of Attraction” is charming in places, long winded in others, but it’s a hung jury on whether the romance is sustainable.