An intelligent and comical view of infidelity/the seven year itch that may not do so well at the box office if wives find the material threatening.  Richard Cooper (Chris Rock) is happily married to a beautiful wife, Brenda (Gina Torres) with a house in the country, two kids and a great job.  There’s just one problem. He’s bored and he’s in a sexless marriage. Okay that’s two problems.  When Niki (Kerry Washington) the ex girlfriend of his best friend shows up at his office for advice, Richard Cooper is going to need some advice of his own.  And he turns to co-worker George (Steve Buscemi) for some answers. The movie’s observations, comments and overviews of how a married man has an emotional breakdown to justify an affair, are delivered humbly and honestly in Chris Rock’s best performance to date.  I think this movie should be a template of required viewing 101 for all married couples to remember that you have to keep fun in your marriage. First lesson: when you’re out to dinner with your husband on a Saturday night, don’t talk about the kids!  Four tiaras