The title lives up to its name, suggesting ambiguity, but that’s a very unsatisfying situation for any audience.  Lisa (Reese Witherspoon) plays a young, retired athlete in the middle of two men.  George (Paul Rudd) has just been framed in some stock-fraud scandal involving his father (Jack Nicholson) while our baseball hero, Matty (Owen Wilson) tells Lisa that he “can never be the person he’s been until now” (sure, whatever that means..his version of smitten and in love, I suppose.) And that’s the problem with the entire premise.   The plot seems contrived five minutes in, and its lackluster continuity doesn’t connect our players or us. And while all three actors do a stellar job, about thirty minutes in, the story seems aimless so that the audience doesn’t know who to cling to.  The movie floats between heart-warming scenes to plain disastrous ones – albeit some great lines mainly delivered by Wilson who always plays this lateral cad role.  Rudd’s side issue about his stock scandal seems like a deterrent rather than a plot point, and in the end this is the sum of good actors in a bad movie.  And probably my second to last pick for worst film of the year.  ½ tiaras