(Not rated)
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon goes to a new level in this sci-fi flick from wild, raunchy director Paul “Showgirls” Verhoeven. Flirty, voyeuristic, perverse and all those boundaries Verhoeven crosses when this time a group of brilliant scientists have just unlocked the secret of invisibility at a military top secret lab. The team’s arrogant leader, Sebastian Caine (Bacon), ignores the risks and decides to try it out on himself. Two scientists (Elisabeth Shue and Josh Brolin) try under a ticking clock to desperately bring him back, but the problem is Caine wants to stay in the void. This one has “Ghost” qualities on an intoxicating level (Bacon does things Swayze wouldn’t have), as Caine realizes his very colleagues may be a threat to his existence. Great special effects including a real Pentagon scene (only two movies allowed to film there in the past decade.)