(Rated PG13)
How’s this for a premise? A mother-daughter con artist teaming to swindle men. With a biological mother like this who needs a wicked stepmother? Sigourney Weaver stars as the brassy, sexy mom proving age is a state of mind and that men think through their – well, you know what! Jennifer Love Hewitt dressed in Gap Kid-size tee shirts for dresses, is the daughter who decides she’s old enough now to go solo from the maternal nest. When she finds her true love in Jason Lee, a surfer dude, all hell breaks lose. Every time the story tends to stray with the pranks getting old, the duo make for a quick recovery with more twists and turns. Gene Hackman attached to a chain of cigarettes is hilarious as one of their targets, but it’s Ray Liotta who has finally landed a non-stifling role, that commands the screen. Carrie Fischer as an attorney and Anne Bancroft putting in a few surprises as the grand dame of con artists.